Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Conferences are coming up!

Hi Everyone!

I can't believe it's already conference time! How could it be the middle of October already!? Our official conference day is November 2nd. For my 3rd grade class I just sent out an email with a link to the Google Doc sign up sheet. You will notice that I included Wednesday and Thursday times as well just in case you can't make any of  the times on Friday. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing this Google Doc!

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon and talking about your wonderful kids!

Ms. Rachael

Monday, October 8, 2018

Friendly Reminder!

Hi Families!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Last week we started homework and asked students to hand in their logs on Tuesday (tomorrow) since we didn't have school on Monday. Since this is a new routine and I am posting this reminder at 7:10pm Monday night .... (oops sorry!) it's certainly okay if student hands in their logs on Wednesday of this week. They will be getting a new reading and activity log on Tuesday that will be due Monday though!

4th Grade students will be receiving new multiplication fact practice logs with the option to use flash cards this week! This new log will be due Monday October 15th.

Totally off track: If you are a parent of a 3rd grader, ask your child about our kindness wreath that we started last week!

Don't forget to check out the separate pages at the top for specific information about math and science classes!! I'm still working on adding more and really getting this new blog up and running so thank you for your patience!

Have a wonderful week!
-Ms. Rachael

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Homework homework homework!

We are a little more than a month into school and homework has officially started! Mrs. Derksen and I sent home letters with our 3rd and 4th graders outlining what homework will look like this year. Overall students will have a reading log, an activity log which is due every Monday and the occasional writing and math homework throughout the week.

You can check my blog to see specific details about math homework! I will do my absolute best to always post about homework when students have math homework. You will be able to check the 3rd Grade Math page (tab at the top of my blog) or the 4th Grade Math page (tab at the top of my blog) for more information!

If your child is struggling with the content of the homework please communicate with me! There should be no tears shed over homework! As parents you have enough to deal with, I don't want you to be teaching math on top of parenting!

All my best,

All School Hike!

Hi Families!

Permission forms were sent home last week for our all school hike this Friday. Please send your form in ASAP if you haven't already!

Here's a list of things that students should wear or bring!
-Sneakers/hiking boots
-water bottle
-light jacket (it looks like it will be mid 50's and sunny!)
-bug spray if they are sensitive to bugs
-sun screen (it looks fabulously sunny!)

It's going to be a fun day!!
Contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the day!


Friday, September 21, 2018

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi Families!

Welcome to my blog! Here you will find updates on what we are doing in 3rd and 4th grade math and science. You will also find updates on what happens during our 3rd grade morning meetings. I'll post link for accessing fun math games to use at home and reminders about upcoming events! I'll give parents a heads up and a quick look at what the following week will look like and any extra support that students may need at home for certain math concepts.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or excitements! It's already been a fantastic start to the year and I am thrilled to continue our growth together!


All my best,
Ms. Rachael