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Field trip tomorrow!

Hi Families,
As a reminder the 3rd and 4th grade will be going to the Montshire tomorrow! Thank you so much to the parents that are joining us, this field trip wouldn't be possible without you!
Here are a few things to remember:
-Chaperones: this is a public area so please stay with your students the entire time you are exploring the museum. Students should not be left alone. 
-We are eating lunch there so students need to bring their lunch and a water bottle. If students need a bag lunch they will pick it up at the cafeteria in the morning.
-We will be eating lunch outside RAIN OR SHINE. There is a pavilion so if it does rain we should be all set. 
-It looks a bit colder tomorrow so please make sure your child brings a light weight jacket for our time outside. 

As always, please reach out with any questions, concerns, or excitements!

April 9th 

Hello Parents! There are a few exciting things to come in the 3rd and 4th grade classroom! Both the 3rd and 4th grade classes will be going on a field trip to the Montshire on April 24th. I definitely need parent volunteers! Students will be bringing home their permission slips tomorrow. Please return those as soon as you can and indicate if you would like to volunteer. One class will be doing a workshop while the other is exploring the museum and then the classes will switch. We will be eating lunch at the Montshire and will have some time to explore their outdoor water features as well (hopefully we will finally have some sun and warm weather!)

The 4th grade is going to Hulbert May 16th and the 17th! This is such a huge and exciting trip for the 4th grade. The 4th grade class from WES will be going as well. The idea is to begin and continue to build the relationships between the two classes so when they merge together in 5th grade there will be some friendships already forming. I will be with the 4th graders for their entire field trip (including the overnight). We will need chaperones! In order to chaperone overnight you have to be fingerprinted. 

As we know the Vermont weather is very unpredictable. Some days it's sunny and warm and others not so much. I am a born and raised Vermonter and even I get cold outside this time of year. For consistency please send your child to school with a jacket until it warms up a little more!

Thank you to the parents that attended the meet and greet with the superintendent candidate. Your questions were thoughtful and insightful!

The next school board meeting is Thursday at WES at 5:30. 

As always, please reach out with any questions, concerns, or excitements!