4th Grade Math

March 9th, 2019

I can't say enough how much I love teaching math to the 4th grade class. They are eager to learn and so much fun to teach! I tell them often!

On Monday I taught students how to divide using the partial quotients method. It's definitely different from how I learned to divide but I see the importance of the method. It's a great building block to  help students with number sense. Khanacadmy.com is a terrific resource if you want to see how the method is used. There are also some great practice problems on that website as well.  

March 8th, 2019

We started this week with a test on Tuesday. Students will get their test back next week! The test was on partial products multiplication and finding the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. We then moved on to decomposing fractions into number models using unit fractions. Today we had to figure out what our whole was when we were using different fraction circle pieces. 

Homework Update:

Hi Families! I did not assign homework this week. We will start with our multiplication logs next week. Many students have stopped turning in their multiplication logs and I can tell that they are not practicing their facts at home! It is so important that 4th grade students know their multiplication facts 0-12! I can provide more practice sheets, games, or other fun ways to practice multiplication facts. Just ask me! Quiz your child in the car while you're driving... anywhere! We live in rural VT and NH car rides can be long! It's a great place to practice facts!

Also, students can always do ST Math at home if they have internet access!

Ms. Rachael

Homework this week:

Hi 4th grade families! I just wanted to let families know that students didn't receive their multiplication practice logs until today! Yikes! I was at a conference yesterday and even though I had them ready to send home on Monday we just forgot! If students can still practice 5 times before next Monday that would be FABULOUS! However, I'm sure that some students said that they didn't have to do their homework because they didn't have a log..... not true! They could have just recorded their practice on a piece of paper and then attached it to the log. I didn't have that conversation with them though. So if students only record three practices this week that is okay!   

At this point students can be practicing their multiplication facts using any way they enjoy (or enjoy more than others). Flash cards, practice sheets, games... whatever works!

I sent home their first test last week. Please ask your child where it is if you haven't seen it yet!

Ms. Rachael

Math homework update!!

Look for a letter from the 3/4 teachers about homework coming home today! Here is what that math section will say:
By the end of 4th grade students need to have all of their multiplication facts 0-12 memorized. The multiplication practice log will ask your child to practice their facts for 10 straight minutes 5 nights per week. On the recording log there will be a place for the date, the time they started their practice, what method they chose to use to practice, and a spot for parents to sign off.  Additional homework assignments may include a math game to play with families, ST Math, or the occasional worksheet. Homework in addition to the nightly 10 minutes of multiplication fact practice will depend on the week and what students are learning in class. Students should know what has been assigned to them but parents can always check Ms. Rachael’s blog at https://msrachaels.blogspot.com for clarification.

Students should start their homework logs today! This week they only have to do 4 days of practice instead of 5. I have attached practice worksheets as an option for students to use to practice this week. Next week I will attach flash cards for students to use if they would like. Students can use whatever method to practice their multiplication facts that they would like. The log must be filled out every time students practice!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions!

October 1st, 2018

Happy first day of October! We have been busy busy in  math class! On this page you will find updates specifically about 4th Grade math and what we are doing in class! I'll post information about homework and links for fun math games students can play at home!

Check back later this week for more updates!!
Rachael Weber